
Green Edge Cloud Austria GmbH is a limited liability company registered at the commercial of the Commercial Court of Vienna under no FN 511557s and registered office at Reichsratsstrasse11/11, 1010 Vienna, Austria. Its tax identification number (UID) is ATU74395380

Green Edge Cloud Limited is a limited liability company registered with the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales at Companies House under company under 11302215 and registered office at 2 Pembridge Square, W2 4EH London. Its Tax identification number is UK299 737231.

Contact information:

Green Edge Cloud Limited 2 Pembridge Square, W2 4EH London, United Kingdom

The website provides information about products and services of Green Edge Cloud Ltd and Green Edge Cloud GmbH (collectively and individually referred to as Green Edge). The content of the website has been populated with diligence. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness, and current accuracy of the information. Liability of Green Edge  is therefore excluded and we do not accept responsibility or liability to users or any third parties in relation to the content of the website.

All copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property in or arising out of the website, content or materials vest solely in us.

You agree not to modify, reproduce, copy, distribute, disclose to third parties or derive commercial use or benefit from the materials without our prior written consent.

You agree not to use or permit the use of the materials for any illegal purpose nor use the materials in such a manner as would bring us or our business into disrepute.